There’s an old story about the salesman who comes rushing into a business chasing a tiger…
He turns to the operations director who asks what he is doing…
You take care of that tiger…
I’m off to catch another one, replies the “hunter” salesman.
And the thrill of the chase in pursuing new business is certainly exciting and gives a great rush of adrenalin…
but most of the money is made from the clients you already have…
and the longer they stay with you…
the more you can nurture, extend and deepen your relationship and meet their needs on a higher level…
which raises the question…
what’s the secret to getting your clients to stay for longer?
Watch the video to discover more…
Getting your clients to stay for longer starts with baselining the performance of your current marketing and sales processes (even if you think you don’t have any) so that you can start to “fine tune” and “scale up”, your business…